All AsiaRooms Promo Codes, Discounts & Deals - February 2025
About AsiaRooms Offers
Some of the popular locations in which AsiaRooms operates include:
- Singapore
- Bali
- Kuala Lumpur
- Penang
Reducing Prices with a Coupon Code
You can get instant reductions on standard prices by redeeming a coupon code during the verification process. Please follow the instructions below to redeem a code today.
- First, pay a visit to the website. By searching for AsiaRooms you can see all codes currently in circulation.
- Copy a code, being sure to capture all related numbers and letters. Now proceed to the AsiaRooms website.
- Use the input fields or click a booking location, being sure it corresponds with the selected coupon.
- During the confirmation process an input field will be presented for the verification of a code. Paste the copied code in the space provided.
- Confirm the booking. The coupon will be automatically redeemed and processed.
Available Payment Methods
Online payment can be made via credit card, debit card and net banking.
Bookings and Cancellation Policy
Once a booking has been paid online it will instantly be official, with no delays of any kind. In order to prove your booking please present the verification email.
Different hotels have different cancellation policies. If you wish to cancel a booking please do so as much in advance as possible. You can find the cancellation policy details with the hotel with which the booking has been made.
Social Media Connections
Connect to these social media pages to be kept up to date with latest special offers and deals.
- Like the AsiaRooms Facebook page – New special offers are announced here
- There is now an AsiaRooms Twitter feed – Regular tweets keep you informed
- Don’t forget the AsiaRooms Google + page – check it out today
- Be sure to pay a visit to the AsiaRooms Pinterest page – More information can be found here about holiday destinations
Get in Touch with Customer Support
If you have any questions or require help, please do not hesitate getting in touch with the customer support centre. This can be via telephone at the following number + 65 6838 4365, or via email at this address There are multiple headquarters throughout the world, with the following address in the United Kingdom
LateRooms Limited
The Peninsula Building
2 Cheetham Hill Road
M4 4EW