Freedom Tree Coupon Codes

All Freedom Tree Promo Codes, Discounts & Deals - April 2024

All Freedom Tree Promo Codes, Discounts & Deals - April 2024

Freedom Tree, the happiest home store, offers handcrafted, made-in-India products, from luxury furniture to ceramics dinnerware, both online and in stores. Based in Mumbai, Freedom Tree's niche consulting practice has evolved into a vibrant design brand, capturing emerging trends and translating them into compelling products. With the Freedom Tree coupon code, customers can enjoy exclusive deals on their bold, graphic designs, blending identity and eclectic elements with joy and relevance.

About Freedom Tree Offers

Some of the products available include:

  1. Cushion covers
  2. Lighting essentials
  3. Fabrics
  4. Rugs
  5. Kitchen essentials

Never Pay Full Price Again

Save big and be a smart shopper by making use of a coupon code. In order to redeem a coupon correctly, please take note of the following simple guidelines.

  • Every shopping spree should start with a visit to the website. By using the search utility, you can find all codes related to the Freedom Tree website.
  • Browse the codes and take note of the circumstances in which they may be redeemed. Copy a code exactly as it is presented, being sure to capture all letters and numbers.
  • At Freedom Tree, click ‘Buy now’ on the products with which the code is valid.
  • This will automatically take you to the ‘Shopping Bag’ page. Here, clearly labelled ‘Discount codes’, is an input field designed for the redemption of codes.
  • Paste you code in the space provided.

Secure Payment Gateway

Every payment is done via the store’s secure payment gateway. The following methods are accepted: VISA, Mastercard and Maestro.

Shipping Costs and Return Policies

Shipping costs are calculated based on product size and weight. This calculation will be done automatically during the checkout process, so please be sure to take note of the total before placing the order. Delivery times vary depending on your location and the products ordered. Please allow for at least 7-25 days for delivery to arrive.

Once a product has been accepted by you as being correct at the time of delivery, no returns or exchanges are possible. If products at the time of delivery have shipping damage or defects, please contact customer support in no more than 7 days to have a replacement shipped immediately.

Connect with the Social Media Network

You can connect with the social media pages to keep in touch and be notified of the latest deals and products.

  • Like the Facebook page – Regular Freedom Tree news is posted for your convenience
  • There is also a Pinterest page – More detail on Freedom Tree products can be found here
  • Subscribe to the Freedom Tree Twitter page – Regular tweets keep you informed

Get in Touch with Customer Support

You can get in touch with customer support if you have any comments, complaints or questions. This can be done via telephone at this number 022-40174603, or vial email at the following address If you would like to send returns, please address them to the store’s physical address below:

Bandra Breeze, Plot no. 57/A,
23rd-28th Road, Bandra (W),
Mumbai 400050, India.

Freedom Tree Reviews

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