All Booking Khazana Promo Codes, Discounts & Deals - January 2025
About Booking Khazana Offers
Booking Khazana is an online booking portal that gives direct access to worldwide popular means of travel and accommodation. Some of the services offered include- Flights
- Hotels
- Cars
- Buses
- Flight and hotel package deals
Redeeming a Coupon Code
See the instructions below to use a code today.
- Pay a visit to The search function will reveal all codes currently related to the Booking Khazana website. Copy a code that suits your needs.
- Use the homepage application and enter your desired details, then click the ‘Search’ button.
- Various results will now be displayed. Choose the option that best suits you and click the ‘Book’ button.
- On the page that follows, now find the input field in the lower right labelled ‘Enter promo code to redeem discounts’. Enter your copied code here.
Payment Options
Online payment is possible via credit card or debit card.
E-Ticket System and Cancellation Policies
An e-ticket system is used, sending a virtual ticket to your email address or mobile phone. This ticket may be printed any time you prefer and presented at any location you have made a booking, allowing for maximum convenience and eliminating the risk of losing a physical ticket.
If you would like to cancel a booking, please contact customer support at your earliest convenience. A cancellation fee may be required, depending on the amount of time remaining to the booking in question, so please make cancellations at the earliest possible time.
Get Connected with Social Media
Stay informed about the latest news and special deals by connecting to these popular social media websites.
- The Booking Khazana Facebook page is now online – You can read other users experiences with the website
- There is also a live Twitter feed – Booking Khazana news is broadcast from this account
- Be sure to visit the Booking Khazana Pinterest page – Detailed information on the website is given here
- Don’t forget the Google+ page – Booking Khazana shares company details here
Direct Your Queries at Customer Support
The highly professional customer support centre is standing by to help with any queries or complaints you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact them on the following number (+91) 7676767799. If you prefer you may also make contact via email at this address The physical store headquarters is located at this address
#71,16th Cross 14th "A" Main Rd
Opp BDA Complex
Bangalore – 560102