All AajKiItem Promo Codes, Discounts & Deals - February 2025
About AajKiItem Offers
Experience unique products and affordable prices when you shop with Aaj Ki Item. Some of the items available include:
- Bluetooth Headsets
- Mini USB Speakers
- Mobile Phones
- LED Watches
- Sunglasses
- Laptop Sleeves
How to use a Coupon
Using a coupon to save on this site is simple, just follow these steps below:
- To find all the latest coupons that are active for Aaj Ki Item you will need to search
- Copy the particular code that you plan on using during checkout and then make your way to the Aaj Ki Item store.
- View the items that are on offer and make your selections for purchase.
- When you are ready to place your order hit the 'checkout' button at the top of the screen.
- Login or create an account to continue.
- You will now be asked if you have a coupon. Click here and fill the one you have chosen in here.
Payment Information
This site accepts payment from MasterCard, Visa, Diners Club, debit cards, net banking and cash on delivery.
Delivery will be made through reputed couriers and there is a flat rate shipping fee of Rs.49 on all orders.
Find out More about Aaj Ki Item Here:
To connect with their customers this site has branched out into social media
- Like them on Facebook - Aaj Ki Item uses this page to announce their fan of the week as well as all the latest products that are available.
- Through their Twitter account, Aaj Ki Item updates their fans on the newest deals on offer.
- Watch the Aaj Ki Item YouTube channel for fun videos and informative adverts for products on this site.
- View their Pinterest Board - Here Aaj Ki Item posts images of all the unique products they have to offer.
- Aaj Ki Item also has a Blog - Get in-depth information here on all the best products that are up for grabs.
How to Contact with Aaj Ki Item
You can receive more information and answers to any questions you may have by contacting this store by telephone (9722-666-666) or on their email address (