All Shoperskart Promo Codes, Discounts & Deals - January 2025
About Shoperskart Offers
Shoperskart is an online store that offers a wide variety of commonly needed electronics, fashion and other products. The variety of products offered include
- Apparel
- Electronics
- Dry foods
- Jewellery
- Footwear
- Fashion Accessories
Never Pay Full Price with a Coupon Code
To use a code, follow these simple instructions.
- Pay a visit to the website. Once there, search for all codes currently available at the Shoperskart website.
- Pay attention to the items with which a code is valid, and copy one that suits your current needs.
- Now proceed to Shoperskart to locate the applicable items.
- Click on an item and click the ‘Buy now’ button.
- At this point, a shopper will have to sign in to an account or create a new account.
- The next page is titled ‘My Shopping Cart’. Find the input field labelled ‘Coupon Code’ and paste the copied code into the space provided.
Payment Option Convenience
Shoperskart offers a number of payment options for your convenience. These include credit card, debit card, cash card, net banking and mobile payments.
On Time Delivery and Satisfaction Guaranteed
Shoperskart offers free delivery and shipping on most of its products. Some items may not qualify for free shipping. More information is available on a products detail page.
If a product you have received is defective, incorrect or damaged, you may return it within 7 days of receiving it to qualify for a replacement. Please return it exactly as it was delivered. Some items may not be returned, please contact customer support for more information.
Be a Socialite
You can keep up to date with the latest products, the newest details and the hottest news via the Shoperskart social media web pages.
- Join the popular Facebook page – Product photos and the latest information can be found here.
- Connect with the Twitter feed – The latest information is offered here on a regular basis
Getting In Touch With Shoperskart
If you wish to contact the customer support centre, make a complaint or for any other reasons, you may do so via telephone call (0495 6059 202), email ( or written mail. Returnable items may be sent to the physical address below.
De sparrow solutions
Second Floor, Dream Palace,
Pavamani Road Calicut
Kerala - India